Office of Research Compliance

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The Office of Research Compliance works with offices responsible for specific components of research compliance and university research oversight committees such as the Institutional Review Board, Institutional Biosafety, Institutional Animal Care and Use, and the Financial Conflict of Interest committees to ensure the responsible conduct of research and compliance with university policies and federal regulations related to research activity. The office oversees development and implementation of policies, procedures, and educational activities which satisfy university policies, state, and federal regulations governing the conduct of research. The Office of Research Compliance is responsible for monitoring regulatory updates and making recommendations to the university to ensure compliance.

The North Texas Regional Institutional Review Board (IRB) operates a regional human research protection program to review and approve all research involving human subjects. This program has two important components: the supporting unit for Protecting Human Subjects (often called the “IRB Office”) and the Institutional Review Board (IRB).

The University of North Texas Health Science Center Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee is a research oversight committee charged with the responsibility of ensuring the proper care and use of animals in research, testing, and education. The IACUC also provides assistance to investigators in fulfilling their obligation to plan and conduct animal experiments in accord with the highest scientific, humane, and ethical principles. Note that the IACUC is different from DLAM which manages and maintains animals used in research.

The term “conflict of interest in research” refers to situations in which financial or other personal considerations may compromise, or have the appearance of compromising a researcher’s professional judgment in conducting or reporting research. Federal regulations, state laws and University policies recognize that researchers may have financial interests in research sponsors and/or in entities with business interests closely related to their research. To assist researchers in managing and navigating this often complex area, the HSC Office of Research Compliance has developed training programs, policies and procedures to try and keep this “simple but correct.”

International Compliance (aka Export Controls) includes the shipment or transfer of equipment, articles, services, or encryption software to another country as well as the transfer of technical data or information to a foreign national, whether it occurs in the U.S. or abroad. It is the  of UNTHSC to fully abide by federal laws and regulations, including the Department of Commerce , the Department of State , regulations of the Treasury Department , and other bodies of export regulations.

BioSafety provides expertise and consultation on issues related to biological safety with the goal of maintaining a safe workplace, preventing environmental contamination and complying with applicable federal, state and local requirements.


Tania Ghani, MS, CIP
Executive Director, Research Compliance
(817) 735-2038

Joycelyn R. Bryant
Senior Administrative Coordinator, Research Compliance
(817) 735-0409