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Institute for Health Disparities (IHD) was founded at UNTHSC to advance career paths in biomedical sciences and health professions that reflect the diverse constituency we serve. The rapid growth and accumulation of specialized knowledge in today’s biomedical fields, combined with entrenched and emerging health issues that persist among certain groups within the US population, emphasizes the significant need to diversify the nation’s biomedical science workforce. The under-representation of minorities in science results in inadequate scientific input from divergent social or cultural perspectives and detracts from our nation’s ability to resolve health disparities.

Institute for Health Disparities Impact Report

Faculty Grant Writing and Professional Development

Provide research and mentoring to underrepresented graduate and health professional students, post-docs and junior faculty.

Graduate and Health Professional Student Training Programs

Support short term and dual degree research training for underrepresented students in health professions.

Undergraduate Summer Research Internships

Major undergraduate summer research programs at UNTHSC are funded through numerous sources. Participants come from minority-serving institution partners across the USA.

K – 12 Outreach

Stimulate and broaden students’ awareness of biomedical and health professional career paths by exposing students to clinical and laboratory research environments at UNTHSC.

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Institute for Health Disparities (IHD)

3500 Camp Bowie Boulevard
Fort Worth, Texas  76107
Phone:  817-735-0642
Fax: 817-735-0695


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